The World is Full of Beautiful Places ~ Let your Heart be One of Them!
Utilizing all my resources for reading, research, attending many schools, health lectures, seminars and superfood workshops to make the connection between Body Mind and Soul for optimal health and to anchor in new healing therapies for humanity.
After obtaining several certifications from the (NANP) National Association of Nutrition Professionals Board Certification Program, Kerala Ayurveda Academy LA and an Apprenticeship in Spiritual-Herbal Shamanism I felt confident in opening my Body Mind and Soul Healing Spa!Sailing on I decided to devote my new direction of learning to yoga at the Bikram’s Yoga College of India Los Angeles. Practicing yoga in the studio and meditation at the beach for insight and inspiration on how to better assist my holistic clients with their healing process. Listening to the sound of the Oceans waves my heart began to open like a rainbow bridge as I saw a shimmering purple diamond light around my body! I was seeing my aura for the first time!
This was very exciting to me and at this point I wanted to learn everything I could about auras and chakras as this was such an exquisite sight!
This experience led me to wanting to discover all aspects of the etheric energy bodies and the quantum energetic fields of energy. As my development grew into the astral body and etheric field research realm I found and fell in LOVE with the healing energies of Reiki! I knew at that moment I wanted to become a Reiki Master!Studying and learning the Reiki symbols, functions and mantras I have healed aspects of my own deep seated traumas of neglect, abandonment, cognitive distortions of thought, sadness, sorrow, hopelessness and grief within my heart, body and spirit. Reiki helps you heal your traumas seamlessly. Etheric energy bodies are all inner connected, as you heal one you heal them all. I love to learn as much as I can to be of more vital assistance to my holistic clients needs to assist them in their healing process emotionally, mentally, astrally, physically and etherically with more empowerment and accuracy.Learning and completing 1st Degree, 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree Reiki Master training programs and receiving my certifications and attunements from my Reiki Master Teacher from a sacred retreat in the Algarve Mountains of Portugal. I then began to travel the World. All over the world people are talking about chakras and auras and how to achieve their own personal power by exploring their power to heal themselves energetically. I have visited Switzerland, Italy, Mexico, Bahamas, Maui and recently to Sedona Arizona to receive my Goddess of the Rose Rites of Passage.
After traveling I resumed my daily holistic client schedule and realized that more Lyme Disease, Diabetes and Cancer patients were in need of my Reiki Healings. The demand was getting so high that I could not physically keep up with the demands of my healing requests. I acquired a state-of-the-art hi-technology device with medical technology of quantum energetic-medicine capabilities to assist me with healing treatments that led to my studies in quantum physics. Learning, training and mastering the Crystal Photon Light Beam Therapy System to heal my holistic clients in tandem with Reiki and Holistic Nutrition.
During your Healing session you will find that my qualities are very considerate, compassionate, nurturing, gentle, graceful and kind. I am the complete healing package to Guide you along your healing journey to Wholeness!
I would love to assist you at this time of your awakening! Lovingly supporting your unique divine expression and exploration of your inner empowerment through your ability to heal yourself with me as your Holistic Guide assisting you in discovering your own Master Healer Within!
The birthplace of all creation and the most pristine untapped energy available to you… is YOU!
By remembering who you are, you heal yourself and unlock your unique ancient wisdom!
As you learn to practice and embody Supreme Self-Love, you will open doors for Miraculous healing abilities to enter your life for you to experience bliss and joy in ways that you can only imagine!