Temple of Etheric Light is a Body Mind Heart and Soul Wellness Spa Located in Spring Texas

We specialize in Reiki Hands on Healing, Light Therapy, Guided Meditation, Holistic Integrative  Nutrition, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Ayurvedic Massage, Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy.

We are available for infants, children, teens, women and men that choose to heal themselves and their loved ones Holistically without chemo treatments or harmful toxic side effects from certain medications.

                                                                            Wellness Spa Therapies 

Light Beam Therapy – will establish harmony and peace within your nervous system and cellular DNA memory.

Holistic Integrative Nutrition  – to bring forth homeostasis in establishing a dynamic state of equilibrium for the optimal functioning of your body.

Reiki Hands on Healing – to Balance Activate and Align your chakra energy centers to bring in more light, blessings and comforting energies of love, peace, harmony, tranquility and fulfillment into your life.

Our Holistic Healing Therapies are relaxing and empowering with an extra added boost of energy to your nervous system creating uplifting feelings of well-being! All therapies are complemented (with or without) guided meditation that will activate your mind, body, heart and soul to a more blissful state of love, kindness, happiness, acceptance and forgiveness.

Clients choose Light Beam Therapy, Integrative Nutrition and Reiki Energy Healing for their Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Energetic needs. We correct disharmony and distortion, eliminate toxins, cleanse harmful malicious negative energy and heal energetic emotional blocks in your psyche that have occurred during traumatic situations (PTSD) during childhood or adulthood that have become too chaotic for you to heal on your own.

We assist clients with – Autism Aspergers, Fibromyalgia, Sexual Assault Healing, ADD/ADHD, Issues of Intimacy, Bulling, Narcissistic Parent Recovery, Anxiety, Anger, Fatigue, Shyness, Depression, Postpartum Depression, Sadness, Loss of a Loved One, Neglect, Grief, Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Smoking Addiction, Extreme Hoarding, Conflict Resolution, Figuring out Your Life Direction, Stress Management, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Abandonment Issues, Rebuilding Trust with your Partner, Distorted Thought Patterns and Silent Suffering.

Boost: Positive Energy, Confidence, Self-Healing, More Intimacy and Passion in your Relationship, Better Communication Skills, Creativity, Clarity, Motivation, Focused Energy, Physical Endurance, Female Vitality, Male Vitality, Skin Beauty Vitality, Self Esteem and Self-Love!

Balance: Energy Chakras, Unstable Emotions.

Cleanse: Dirty Aura, Distorted Energy Patterns, Malice Thought Forms and Errors.

Strengthen: Body Mind Spirit Heart and Soul!

Your Body is a Temple of Light!

The Seven Subtle Auras

First Layer ~ Etheric Body

Second Layer ~ Emotional Body

Third Layer ~ Mental Body

Fourth Layer ~ Astral Level

Fifth Layer ~ Etheric Template

Sixth Layer ~ Celestial Body

Seventh Layer ~ Ketheric Template


It is VERY IMPORTANT to take care of your Soul just as you would take care of your Body! The development, evolution, care and attention on your Soul should be the most IMPORTANT focus of your Life!

The etheric body, æther body, a name given by Neon-Theosophy to a vital body or subtle body propounded in philosophies as the first layer in the human energy field “Aura” It is said to be in immediate contact with your physical body, to sustain it and connect it with your “Higher Bodies”

The classical element Aether of Platonic and Aristotlean physics continued in Victorian scientific proposals of a Luminiferous Aether meaning

Light-Bearing” as well as the cognate chemical substance ether. According to Theosophists and Alice Bailey the etheric body inhabits an etheric plane which corresponds to the four higher subplanes of the physical plane.

The intended reference is therefore to some extremely rarefied matter, analogous in usage to the word “Spirit” (originally) “Breath”. In selecting it as the term for a clearly defined concept in an Indian-derived metaphysical system, the Theosophists aligned it with ideas such as the Prana-Maya-Kosha (Sheath made of Prana, Subtle Breath or Life-Force) of Vedanta thought.

All sickness shows up in the physical body long after it has already been in etheric form. Dr. Richard Gerber author of Vibrational Medicine, describes a Korean acupuncturist who has observed the energetic matrix which precedes our human form.

We have subtle bodies of higher frequencies which correspond to a pure divine expression of Universal Will, Love, Compassion, and Wisdom. The human energy field, your soul essence aura is your etheric body that is a set of bodies within each other that create your Rainbow Body!  

Therefore, attempting to heal the body from a purely physical standpoint would be like trying to stop a deluge when you know a tsunami is coming.

If you were to simply change the direction of the tsunami this would be a much more effective way of avoiding a massive flood. Similarly, when we acknowledge the etheric body and use healing therapies which heal from this level, we can avoid about 90%! of all physical and emotional traumas.

Happy People Vibrate Higher than Unhappy People!

This has been scientifically proven that each organ resonates at its own optimal frequency an energetic vibration which is measurable. You can research this information in detail in Ms. Beverly Rubik, PhD book, Measurement of the Human Biofield and Other Energetic Instruments.

Our bodies do not heal the way that we have been taught. Our bodies do not heal through chemicals, our bodies heal via Frequencies, Vibration, Information and Resonance. The theory is that the degree to which we degenerate away from perfect health is the degree to which we have temporarily forgotten that WE ARE LIGHT!

All we need to do for Self-Healing is to REMEMBER  WHO WE ARE!

To remind ourselves in a way that allows us to return to our natural state of Light Vibration!

The upper chakras of the etheric body are waiting for us to take our training wheels off, and achieve a degree that we naturally begin to ascend into the higher energy of the upper chakras.

We Are Essentially Light Beings ~ With Our Own Perfect Vibration!

As we Vibrate in our natural state of Light, anything denser than Light has nothing left to hold on to, therefore it falls away.

Beyond your physical body is your etheric bio-energy field awaiting your Conscious Evolution to be discovered and for YOU to REWARD YOURSELF by becoming the BEST and HIGHEST version of YOU!